Currently authoring a book on message-driven systems with a renowned US publisher.
Planned and produced a video series around DDD, CQRS, and Event Sourcing for a master studies course.
Authored the book “Implementing DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing” with around 900 sold copies.
Co-architected and built critical part of payroll product with a bi-temporal domain model. Supported with building initial version of system-wide platform to facilitate data replication through Event-carried State Transfer. Authored and reviewed numerous design documents for critical architectural changes. Acted as technical lead, mentor, and multiplier for other engineers.
Started with working on global design and UX improvements. Continued with implementing first Micro-Frontends. Supported with full-stack feature development in the recruiting area. Joined separate team to build initial version of a design system. Repeatedly consulted on Event-Driven Architecture, DDD, CQRS, and Event Sourcing.
Implemented frontend parts for various smaller features. Heavily utilized A/B testing to find optimal solutions.
Founded a small startup and built a mouse tracking tool as a german competitor to products such as Mouseflow. Responsible for the software architecture, backend development, and operations. Followed the Lean Startup approach to identify customers and problems to solve.
Developed templates and tools for building large SEO websites hosted on AWS. Closely collaborated with SEO experts to build optimal solution without later development efforts.
Co-architected and developed a UI component library for a client project. Closely collaborated with product designers to deliver high-quality UX.
Built a web-based meeting software for effective on-site and remote meetings. Applied strategic and tactical DDD patterns to build an optimal product for moderators and participants. Co-architected and developed an event-driven system that in parts utilized CQRS & Event Sourcing. Developed a web-based component library and a reactive frontend for the product. Supported operations with containerization and orchestration.
Lecturer for the subject “Multimedia Programming” in the third semester of the studies “Interactive Media”. Covered topics: JavaScript fundamentals, web technologies, essential design patterns.
Developed showcase prototype on top of existing web application. Pushed technical boundaries of WebRTC possibilities, connecting browsers and iOS clients.
Full-Stack developer for the car dealer area. Developed features using an iterative and customer-focused approach. Technical lead and mentor for frontend development. Coordinator of interdisciplinary and company-wide frontend group. Co-architected and developed modular UI library similar to Bootstrap.
Refactored and modularized existing CSS codebase. Pushed for modern frontend development with newer and modular JavaScript code.
Partner & Head of Development at own agency for web-based software solutions. Architected and developed software for more than 30 clients. The projects ranged from small websites using a custom headless CMS to larger platforms and e-commerce sites using Drupal.
Tutor for the subjects Programming with Java/J2SE, Multimedia Programming with Flash/ActionScript3/Flex, and Databases with PostgreSQL. Guided up to 30 students per semester.
Freelance software development of web-based solutions for more than 15 clients. Developed a custom headless CMS in PHP to deliver solutions faster.
Graduated with a Diploma in Informatics (Computer Science). Diploma thesis: “Design and prototypical development of a service-based Web Content Management System”